Buffett's Blog

Random Thoughts from an expert on everything!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

"The Greek" checks in with the divisional final picks. So far in the playoffs he is a perfect 8 for 8.
Just scroll down to check the last two weeks picks if you want to double check. Will "The Greek" go 100% in the playoffs this year:

- Seattle over Carolina. Teammates this week asked Jake Delhomme to open a bottle of pickles. He tried and he tried, but his arm just wasn't strong enough. Seattle gets respect from "The Greek" this week but don't expect any on Superbowl Sunday.

- And now playing in Superbowl XL we have The Steelers and The Broncos. With no offense to the other game this week but neither of those teams would have made the playoffs in the AFC.
This is "The Greek's" toughest pick of the year because the outcome of who I pick decides ultimately who will be the champs. The winner is .... Pittsburgh!!! Pittsburgh wins this game and as such Superbowl XL. Someone asked me the other day if I ever thought about going to Denver. After some thought, I said no. I just can not pick The Broncos to win - mainly because of their annoying fans. JJ should have been a Broncos fan - he is to annoying to cheer for The Jets but would fit in perfect with Denver fans.
-"Big Ben" will have a career day!!!! Posted by Picasa


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