Buffett's Blog

Random Thoughts from an expert on everything!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Greeks picks for week 14:

Pittsburgh over Chicago because the last time The Bears beat The Steelers was 1986 and JJ still had a perm.
Cincinnati over Cleveland. The Browns have not won a game in December since Tommy Walsh had a buzz cut.
Tennessee over Houston. Anyone who thinks Houston has a chance probably thinks that Carl Dimitroff is a real person.
Indy over Jacksonville. Jacksonville has as much of a chance of winning as Todd Reccord does of growing back his mullet.
New England over Buffalo. If you think Buffalo will win then you must also believe that Rob Penney will not lip sinc and play air guitar at his Christmas party.
Oakland over The Jets because Rolo knows more about football than JJ. - It is true!!
Minnesota over St. Louis. St. Louis has not won a game since the last time anybody seen John Byrne out at a club.
Carolina over Tampa. Tampa has as much a chance of winning this game as Dunphy does of winning the pool.
Giants over Philly. The Eagles will not beat N.Y. until Fred sticks to his all salad diet.
Seattle over San. Fran. Because the last time San. Fran. was any good Ev. Had a small head.
Washington over Arizona. The last time Arizoa beat Washington was Sept. 7. 1988 - The same time Tony Walsh bought his last round for anyone.
Denver over Baltimore. Denver will score as many points as years Ed spent in University - with that many points they would even be able to beat Indy.
Dallas over K.C. - Duhhhh!!! No brainer.
Miami over Chargers. Myers and Tricco both agree on this as they do most things and with the two of them never wrong The Dolphins will win.
Green Bay over Detroit. Terry says Green Bay will win - careful with this pick as he also said The Leafs will win the cup.
Atlanta over New Orleans. The Saints have as much chance of winning as Doc does of ever being cool. Posted by Picasa


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